
Keeper of the Lost Cities - Lodestar

April 13th, 2024
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Sophie and her friends went to save elves from the rebels, Neverseen, except they had one of their friends, Keefe, turn into Neverseen, but he was pretending to be part of the enemy to get answers. He overheard members talking about hurting Sophie's parents except they had struck Foxfire, the elven school, and took Wylie and left leaving no signs of them being there Wylie was able to escape. Neverseen had interrogated Wylie in a secret chamber underground and burned him leaving severe wounds, the wounds were able to be healed by the black swan healer, Physic. I would recommend this book to people who just LOVE fantasy or elves or a different world that is not ours. I don't recommend this book to people who love non fiction, the thought of other creatures in a world we do not know, or just HATES elves. This is kind of related to the real world we are living in right now because that world could be real we just don't know it because they aren't supposed to exist among human. There could be thousands of creatures in our world but we just don't know about because they have a law saying they can't be known to humans. They might be giving us sign right now that they are real we are just not listening to them.  - Chloe, Grade 7 

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