Barron's Visual Learning: Chemistry

Barron's Visual Learning: Chemistry

Category: Science
Sub Category: School Science K-12
Product Code:

$21.99$19.791SALE PRICE

Ali O. Sezer
ISBN: 9781506280967

Barron’s new Visual Learning series breaks down complex science concepts into clear, captivating illustrations for the visual learner! 

With large, colorful graphics, including maps, diagrams, and labeled illustrations and clear supporting text, Visual Learning: Chemistry is an invaluable resource for readers of all ages who want to learn science in an easy and engaging way.

Learn key chemistry topics including:

The atom and nucleus
The periodic table of elements
Chemical bonding
Molecular structure
Chemical reactions
Solutions, gases, and much more.

학교에서 배울 Chemistry 의 주요 이론 및 개념을 도식화 해, 이해의 편의성을 도모함은 물론 기억에 오래 남을 수 있도록 학업의 효율성을 높이는 구성으로 되어 있습니다. School Science 에 Chemistry 부분이 나올 시점을 전후에 꼭 읽어보는 것을 추천합니다.

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